Just a Charla....Hi Tarun...You look to be exhausted…
Hey Linda. You got it right I just attended a conference in Chennai, India .I just wanted to get out from the scorching heat. You wont believe on couple of days it soared past forty plus. It was a hot oven…
Sure...then you need a time to cool off…Alas , then I cant put your hot brains to work more..
‘Mm nothing like that. Mine is not as hot as young women professionals like you. Anyway put across whatever you wanted..but not more than three questions…’
“Oh that’s so nice of you. here’s my first one…
When is CMMI v1.2 got to be released?CMMI v1.2 is expected in August 2006, so already its sunset period of CMMI v1.1.Don’t ask me on the changes in v1.2.hold on for a while to know that…
“Ok boss…fine I heard
CMMI is coming up with a new model for Services industry”
“Yeah..you have authentic information. New CMMI services model is more focused towards services industry .Its more aligned towards ITIL and BS15000 standards...”
‘Fine tell me something …
what’s all this blended learning, rapid learning etc...”
‘Linda when did you switch your plane to e-learning business. Slowly you seem to grow versatile! All these are terms related to the changes and newer business patterns that seem to be happening in the elearning market. E-learning as a segment has lots of potential to be unearthed .May be will detail you out in next meet.
“Oof..you are giving me all half baked answers. I shouldn't be troubling you too much..”
‘No only such incomplete answers may propel you to learn more and comeback next time with some with quality questions ‘
“Ha ha...your consulting coaxes not entertained here. anyway next time be charged up to detail out more on the topics discussed. See you later then..
‘Sure..will have a more productive chat next time …Catch up later. Bye”
Labels: CMMI