Cricket DRS helps in CMMI High Maturity implementation !
ICC World Cup '2011 was special - not just because of Indian victory but also because of the successful implementation of a new innovation to improve the game of cricket - Decision Review System (DRS).
Basically , it is used to judge the Leg Before Wicket (LBW)decisions given by on-field umpires.
It uses basic equation :
Wickets hitting = f ( Ball Pitching,Impact,Hitting Wickets)
It is such a simple user friendly system which makes things so objective and adds a bit of fairness to the game.
For me , this is what exactly CMMI High Maturity practices is all about.
a.Determine the sub-processes which influence the outcome.
b.Control them to determine outcome( Out, Not Out)
So, keep all your statistics (Rayleigh model , Multiple regression, Chi Square analysis etc..)at the background and use them to give the project managers a simple system like your DRS to predict performance and manage the project.
This is what CMMI level 4 practices is all about ..
Big cheers for India and DRS !
Labels: CMMI, DRS, High Maturity