Report lost items, gain good karma !
'Real value of a item is known only when one loses it ', was a line which I read recently in one of the books.The real value of that line can be appreciated if one has been in that situation !
A recent SITA Baggage report 2011 stated that mishandled baggage cost the airline industry an estimated US$ 2.94 billion and other survey indicated about 50,000 laptops are lost in US airports every year and 65 % of them not claimed or returned to owners.
This is where the innovative service provide by Turly Tag caught my attention.
An anonymous tagging system has been developed to prevent the permanent loss of personal possessions when they go missing.By registering online with Turly Tag, customers receive several tags and stickers with a personal ID number. If they lose an item that has been tagged, honest finders are given the opportunity to go online or call the Turly Tag hotline and find a solution for the owner to be reunited with their lost possession.
What impressed me the most about it was the tagline used to market it ,"Good Karma,a little easier '.
Can't this be used beyond just finding personal posessions ..I can think of many more uses of this concept !
Labels: Innovation, lost and found, Turly tag